causes of casteism

 Causes of casteism.

In our last blog, we talked about types of casteism in this blog we are going to talk about the causes of casteism refers to one-sided loyalty in favor of a particular caste. Casteism leads the member of one caste to exploit the member of the other caste for their own vested interest in the name of superiority or inferiority the root of casteism is the religious theory claims that the varnas were created from the body of the Brahma. The creator of the world the Brahmanas were created from his naval the Kshatriyas from his hands the vaishyas  from his things and the Sudras from his feet

The major cause of casteism is

        Sense of caste prestige :

It is people’s strong desire to enhance caste prestige Members of a particular caste or sub-caste tend to develop loyalty to their caste every member tries to keep up their caste prestige and superiority over another caste intact


        Caste endogamy :

         Prohibition on marrying outside a defined community is called endogamy it is one of the cornerstones of the Indian caste system the decline of intermarriage between different communities as found by these scientists is to the spread of the caste

        Casteism’s impact on urbanization:

                urban-dwellers do not strictly conform to caste norms there is a change in commensal relations, marital relations, social relations, as well as in occupational relations a study of the caste system in Bihar revealed that urbanization does affect uniformly


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